The Pet Show #4 卡利·戴维森 Carli Davidson
Carli Davidson
B.1981, USA
“What is it about seeing something we love in a new way that grips us? Us humans, so visual and superficial - I play these videos for my dog Frankie and she looks at me confused - there is nothing fast, loud, or food related so why should she care?Cleaning my mastiff Norberts slobber off of the ceiling one day I thought, what a strange elasticity, what a violent motion that must propel this drool 9 feet into the air. I would like to see how evolution has engineered this creature to do that.
A decade into this series I still laugh at the images every time I upload them - but there is also no denying that they also look monstrous - deformed and different from the animals we know and love. Sometimes lips cover eyes, or eyeballs move behind lids making the skin look almost mask-like. There is a mashup of gargoyle meets goofball. I like walking that line creatively, fun but also a bit disturbing, giving the viewer a reason to sit with the image for a moment and contemplate their relationship with it, especially if it’s their own dog.”
Shake Dogs, 2012 © Carli Davidson, Video 2.21 min
Shake Cats, 2014 © Carli Davidson, Video 1.45 min