The Pet Show #5 程然 Cheng Ran
以奶牛猫马丁·戈雅的大幅摄影作为主内容,同时结合星群般的小图像,包括围绕十岁马丁·戈雅的生活和与之交集的24只猫咪伙伴,同时图像也包 括以马丁·戈雅命名的艺术家机构马丁·戈雅生意在七年串联起500余位艺术家/音乐人/创作者所参与的活动视觉档案。戏谑的以人类学,档案学,图像学的形式去呈现宠物议题,不仅仅关于陪伴,也关于如家人共同成长,与时代正在发生的艺术现场,周遭现实,社群漫长所共同见证。
2024年 © 程然
Cheng Ran
B. 1981, China
Featuring large scale photography of Martin Goya, the cow cat, combined with small, star-like images surrounding the life of 10-year-old Martin Goya and the 24 feline companions he intersects with, The images also include a visual archive of the activities of more than 500 artists/musicians/creators linked together over seven years by Martin Goya's artist agency Martin Goya Business. In the form of anthropology, archival science and iconography, pet issues are presented playfully, not only about companionship, but also about the common growth of family members, the art scene that is happening in The Times, the surrounding reality, and the common witness of the community for a long time.
The cat is art, the cat is human, the cat is love, the cat is me, the cat is a cat, the cat is Martin Goya, 2024 © Cheng Ran