#28: Viviane Sassen on her gears

When I started photography, this was in the early 90s, And everything was still analog. I first started shooting with Canon and Nikon. And then at some point, I bought my Mamiya 7. And that was my favorite camera ever. I used it for a very, very long time. But at some point, I started working with digital when it came up. It was still not very great, but I started using it for some of my assignments or small fashion jobs. And it was still like small formats, very tiny files. And then at some point, I discovered this was later on, the Phase One came, and the Phase One camera is just incredible ever since I've been using that one. And it's so good that I don't really need to use my analog camera anymore.

And it's interesting because a lot of young people they feel like the only way to really be a photographer is to work analog, but I'm from different generation. So I don't really think that's true. I think right now you can have the same quality and maybe even better with a very good with a very good digital camera.

What's also interesting is that nowadays, a lot of the old work which has been printed analog is slightly fading. There's a lot of photographers who have problems with the color of their photographs just turning into blue or green or magenta. It's a real problem. And nowadays, the printing, the digital printing actually lasts much longer than the analog prints. So in that way, it's also interesting if you think about preserving your work for the future to use digital prints.